Trapping videos from professional trapper Clint Locklear, decades of real world, numbers in the truck, high income, fun filled thrilling experience at a crazy value!
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Your trapping education is the MOST important aspect of your trapping. What you know is far more important than what trap you are using or what scent and bait you have in your bag. The big numbers pro trappers, the high octane part time trappers have one thing in common, they play chess while more trappers are playing checkers. They know things, they have been there and done that and they have the piles and piles and piles of fur to prove it! Folks that catch fur day after day, year after year take there trapping education very seriously. They learn all the time as they observe what the animals and the trap line teaches them. You have a choice to make, you can learn on your own. This is fine and slow and very limiting. The smart move you can make is to learn from experience or a pro trapper, their epic fails, dealing with rain, snow and frozen ground, decades of learning on the trap line, all the painful mistakes, trapping systems that work and which ones are a wasting of your time. The videos in the offer are mostly from Clint Locklear. If you do not know anything about Clint or what he has been up to for decades just Google Clint Locklear, Predator Control Group, Wolfer Nation, Trapping Radio and take a good long look at the images. His experience comes from thousands of miles on a income producing long line or high profit predator control line. The smart guy will want to strip all this trapping and animal experience from Clint , Randy Smith and Scott Adams and take years off their own learning curve so they are hammering their own coyotes, bobcats, red fox, grey fox, otter, beaver, raccoon and muskrats. If you want to find full traps when you set them, and have a blast while your buddies are scratching they heads wondering how you are dragging in so much fur, lets get started!
You can watch all 21 of my hardcore, no BS experienced based trapping videos at a discount of $567.00. To order all my DVD’s would cost you $766.00. $766.00 is cheap for what this information cost me in years, sweat, blood and mud, but now you can learn everything I know from trapping in 22 states chasing fur for only $199.00. Just sign up and get started today! You can still order the DVD’s on our store at at normal prices. This trapping education video package lets you get started right now. No longer do you have to pay shipping, waiting on the mail and hoping postal service did not loose you videos. By taking advantage of this offer, once you sign up, you can immediately pick out a video and watch it on your computer, phone or laptop. How cool is that! Let’s break down this high value package a little more so you can see how good of a deal it is. You will be able to have at your finger tips, 52 hours of high quality trapping instruction. This breaks down to only $4.14 per hour on education and entertainment. The drive this value home even more, with this package, you are paying only $9.47 for each full length trapping video not $39 or $45!
These are the trapping and snaring videos that you can watch when ever you want too or need to brush up on a trapping system or trapping subject.
For FOUR HOURS Clint drills down on commercial bobcat trapping, not hobby or sport trapping methods. Clints system allows you to attack a bobcat population, get them caught and get to the next group of cats. You will understand how a cat works a set and why general predator set are not a high percentage bobcat set. You will learn the rules of production cat trapping and then be able to take these guidelines and rock’n roll on your own cat line.
NOTE FROM Clint: I decided not to put out a cat trapping video till I could hammer a cat population as fast as raccoon trapping. For years I have been looking at different ways to speed up and cut misses. The system on this video is my full system on taking a very high percentage of the cats in an area. Control is the key. If you don’t control the key issues, you will miss a lot of cats. General predator sets miss to many cats. If you want to rack up the numbers, this system will work for you anywhere in the country. You will also see a ton of cats on the video. Cat Collector is entertaining, but like the rest of our video’s, it is made for you to be a better trapper. I’m very proud of this video, it is worth several thousand dollars to any bobcat trapper. I wish I had this information several years ago. If you are wanting to learn a serious bobcat system you will not be disappointed.
Follow Randy Smith as he hammers coyotes in the cornbelt country of the mid-west.Watch and learn how Randy takes 180 coyotes in just 15 days. He shows early nice weather trapping, sloppy wet muddy trapping and snow/ frozen ground conditions.You can learn the methods that allow randy to take coyote after coyote at such a fast pace. Randy’s catch is not by accident or luck, it is an all out attack that is based off of years of long lining coyotes. See double after double catches and even a true quad (four) coyote catch on film! Topics Covered: • Traps, Lure and Bait. • Wolfer style sets. • How and why to use heavy steel screen. • In depth locations and why. • Remakes in different weather conditions. • Watch and learn how to skin a coyote off of the tail gate in 3.5 minutes. • Randy shows how to gland a coyote and how to use coyote parts to catch more coyotes. Warning: may cause coyote fever, loss of sleep, increased heart rate, stuttering, and a increase in testosterone release. not for the Weak hearted or tree huggers. 2 hrs
PROFESSIONAL TRAPPING DVD SERIES Follow with Predator Control Group as Clint Locklear drills down on natural dirt hole methods that out produce the “standard dirt hole methods”. This DVD is geared toward the coyote trapper that wants to be above average on his trap line. One hour hour of intensive advanced dirt hole techniques that equal more fur in your fur shed. Learn how to be a true coyote taker, not a confused fox trapper, trying to fox trap your coyotes. Plus these natural sets will get you more cats, fox and big boar coon.
PROFESSIONAL TRAPPING DVD SERIES Follow with Predator Control Group as Clint Locklear goes into great detail on Eastern Flat Set methods that out produce the “standard after thought” flat set. This DVD is geared toward the coyote trapper that wants to be above average on his predator line. The flat set is the most underrated coyote killing set in the trappers arsenal. One hour of intensive advanced flat sets and no hole techniques that equal more fur in your fur shed. Make no mistake that flat sets have taken far more coyotes that dirt holes threw out history. The concept of a dirt hole being a coyote set is only about 40 years old. Back in the day, wolfers were taking thousands of coyotes each, with out digging a single hole. If you follow the number men, you will not be lead wrong. one hour long.
Follow along with Predator Control Group as Clint Locklear goes into great detail on the art picking coyote locations and thier travel ways. For an hour Clint covers several different eastern locations and why they are or are not important to the efficient coyote trapper. Without effective locations, all else is a waste of time. ONE HOUR LONG
If you have ever wondered what the life of a modern day full time trapper is like, here it is! Follow Clint Locklear over several states performing control and fur work. This DVD is four hours long. You will see a money trapper chase raccoons, coyotes, beaver, muskrats, badgers and bobcats. This DVD is fast paced and wide open to cover a full five month season on Clint’s trap lines. Not only will you see piles and piles of fur, but a ton of instruction to boot. You just might have to take a day off to recover after looking into the real world of professional trapping.
BOARS GONE WILD by Randy Smith
Randy Smith in conjunction with PREDATOR CONTROL GROUP, will show you how he caught 496 coon in 20 catches during the dead of the winter in PA. Snow, ice and single digit temps can be overcome, if you understand the difference between fall and winter coon trapping. Randy explains in detail how and where to catch winter coon. He made $8,500.00 in 20 checks and so can you. Randy holds nothing back in BOARS GONE WILD ‘rack’n up coon in the ice and snow”. 2.5 hours
Matt Jones and Clint Locklear team up and flat wear out the coyotes in the East. Sets, footholds and snares are explained in detail. You will see how to trap in the rain, mud and frozen ground that all Eastern trappers deal with on a daily bases. See how and why peat moss is the Eastern trapper’s best friend. Plus see how to move beyond the dirt hole and use flat sets to catch coyotes and hide the set from people. This DVD is two hours long and power packed with information.
Is a look into the world of production style Dog-Proff raccoon trapping. Clint will give you all kind of tips on using DP traps to catch more raccoons on your line. You will see and learn how to slam your competition, they will be wondering were the coon went too. You will also see how to hide you DP traps in plan site from competition and the general public. If you understand how, they you can draw coons to your set from 5-100 feet away. Tips, on how to make sure the raccoon will want to “play” and stay at your trap. This video is a little over an hour and slam full of information to catch a lot more raccoons than just slamming a trap in the ground and hoping.
This DVD is three hours long. Clint Locklear will go through all the information you need to snare coyotes, bobcats, fox, coon, beaver, mink and otter. Snaring is simple in theory, but speed and number snaring takes planning and understanding. HIGH PERFORMANCE SNARING is pure speed and numbers snaring. See how you can take a lot of animals in a short amount of time, with less energy. There is some basic information given, but this DVD is more geared for guys that want to get into the numbers game with steel cable.
This DVD keeps going deeper into the world of performance snaring, where HIGH PERFORMANCE SNARING leaves off. I would recommend watching Snaring I first, so the second DVD will make more sense. I do not cover the same information in both DVD’s and I assume you already know what is covered in the first snaring DVD. HIGH PERFORMANCE SNARING 2 is two hours long and helps a trapper become a faster and better snare man. You will see the how and the why of loading a snare. Plus we get in-depth on ways to run a better snare line to maximize your catch. Why you should learn to us a GPS. We also get into the ways to hide your catch and how to find hot locations, plus much more.
OTTER’LY SIMPLE is a otter trapping video covers all aspects of trapping otter with body grip traps, foot hold traps and snares. You have two trappers to learn from in this video, Clint Locklear and Newt Sterling. We cover a lot of things that most other otter trapping video don’t cover. We not only cover trap sets, but the other things that can make or break a otter line. We get into otter habits and set locations in many different areas like mud creek, mountain stream, ponds, rivers and even coastal marshes. We can show these locations because we covered three states making this video, NC,TN and LA.
We also cover all the ends and outs of catching otter in body grip or conibear traps, footholds and even otter snares. This video is not a one trick pony style video, we cover competition, road trapping, boat trapping and trapping out of a canoe. We also go into how Clint uses fence or wire panels to block down creeks. This is a super deadly method, so effective other trappers are using our idea in there videos and even building whole videos around the concept.
We hold nothing back in this video, this is the same methods and locations that allowed Clint to take over a hundred otter in one year and even 51 otter in two week. This video will take a beginner trapper in the right direction, but will also help out the trapper that has been chasing otter for years.
If you want a simple easy way to catch coyotes, bobcats, beaver, otter, raccoon, fox and muskrats with a single system that is fast and not complicated this concept is for you.
The Portable Pocket is a simple system that allows you to take one single system and catch muskrats and raccoon then move the same system up the bank and trap coyotes, fox and bobcats. The portable pocket is a staking system, lure holder, high eye appeal or zero eye appeal system. You can use the same trap and set-up for bobcats and beaver or coyotes and raccoon. Now how cool is that! For coyote, bobcats and fox trappers, never, never, never have another washed out dirt hole or flat set again! Now you can teach a young trapper to catch coyotes and other animals with confidence without all the techniques needed with normal trapping.
The DVD is two hours long and covers coyote, bobcat, fox, beaver otter, mink and muskrat trapping the easy and productive way.
Clint Locklear goes into detail on the ins and outs of getting the most from otter. Otter fur can be a challenge. There are many things that can be done from the catch to the sale to make more money per pelt. DVD is 79 minutes
Join Clint Locklear and Newt Sterling on their river trap and snarelines. It starts in the rivers and creeks of Tennessee and ends up in Eastern North Carolina. Learn how to take red fox, coyote, bobcats, grey fox, coon, and beaver from a boat and canoe. This is an instructional tape that covers footholds, body grips and snares. Locations are covered in detail. Newt and Clint explain how to work the water and river banks to become a more successful trapper.
Serious Money Making Strategies, trapping for money video
This is not a “how to catch” animals or a “how to make” a set DVD. This is a how to make more money from your trapping efforts DVD! For 6 hours Clint goes into great detail on how fur and control trappers can build several income streams from their trapping efforts. If you have, or are planning to start a mail order business or supply business, Clint covers several strategies for you to grow and keep more business and profits. Learn why most trappers and mail order businesses are flat lining profits and how you can keep from making the same mistakes. You will not believe some of the information that Clint turns loose. Wanting to succeed is OK. A general plan is a start, but to win with money, YOU MUST HAVE WELL THOUGHT OUT STRATEGIES, not short term tactics. Making money is not luck or wishful dreaming; you have to out think your competition. Then you must adopt, execute, and be three steps ahead of your competition. Don’t make the mistake th at to produce real money you have to be the best trapper. You need to look outside of the trapping industry and apply modern money making, advertising, client service, and perception strategies. There is real money out there for you to make, but you cannot follow the average trapper to gain it. You must become the modern trapper that understands and executes profitable business strategies. 6 hours, 3 discs.
There is a lot of money to be made in trapping and selling beaver. The down side is the processing of the pelt, right? Not any more! Clint Locklear shows in detail how YOU can skin a beaver in 3-6 minutes and flesh any beaver in 10-15 minutes. Clint has learned to speed skin and flesh beaver during many long, long nights putting up 1,000’s of beaver. This DVD is 79 minutes long. Besides speed you will see how to flesh a beaver with out working your tail off. Being bent over with aching back sweating like a pig is over for the the guys with the know how. Plus you will learn to make a hooped beaver match the oval pattern the action houses want today.
Scott Adams will show you how deadly the little 5X5 bodygrip trap is on Raccoons. Scott has a system that will all you to take coons in numbers, even with a smaller conibear. If you thought the 5×5 was to small to take a lot of big norther raccoons in trails, you are in for a nice surprise. It is all in the system! You will learn how to trail trap, outlaw set and use the 5×5 bodygrip in boxes. The 5×5 is smaller and safer to use the public. For states like OH and MO, using the 5×5 will open a ton of ground to you. Plus you will be able to road trap, once you understand the system, like other states that use larger bodygrip traps. This DVD is a little over a hour long.
Make no mistake about it, this is a no nonsense “How to” DVD for taking all the beaver from an area. This four hour DVD is pure instruction, not feel good photography and wishful thanking about beaver control. There are a lot of “control” DVDs that are nothing but a fur DVD with the term control thrown around to sound official. If you are serious about controlling beaver you will not be disappointed. If you are a fur trapper, The Art of Professional Beaver Control will help you be more technical and understand beaver trapping to a higher degree. The more you know about beaver the more beaver you catch.
Turtles by the Ton
Follow Clint Locklear and Newt Sterling on their North Carolina turtle line. Learn how they use different styles of traps and locations to catch 1,100 pounds of turtles in 4 days. Plus see how to put up your turtles for the frying pan or soup pot. Tons of turtles plus tons of turtle knowledge.
LURE & BAIT MAKING, tricks, tips and methods video
This dvd is three hours of real down to earth info for making lure and baits yourself. We have to be honest here, there is no way that a 3 hour video can cover every single aspect of lure and bait making. What we have done on this video is to get into some basic and advanced lure/bait making ideas and procedures. The video cost $45.00, this is a cheap investment for you to not make mistakes and waste a ton of money spending years testing on the topics we cover. We do not spend a single second on trying to make the art of lure making in to the “elite” or “witchcraft” that has been thought over the years. You do need to be creative, pay attention to what the animals teach you with their reactions and be willing to keep learning to become a good lure and bait maker. Clint will not be telling you what is in his lures or every trick that he has learned over the years. If you want all of the info, then you would have to have deep bank account and buy his lure business, and it is not for sale.
Just some of the topics covered:
1. understanding the difference between perfume oil’s, extracts and flavorings. What they are and why you would want to mix them sometimes.
2. a host of lure bases and options to build a great base for lure or baits. This is as important as the oils that go into formulations.
3. what is urine pasteurization, why you need to know about it and how you can do it.
4 Fixatives, no B.S.
5. making your own fresh fish oil on the cheap. It is cleaner smelling, and smells like real fish.
6. formulas
7. What it is not a good idea to copy formulas and why it is almost impossible to do.
8. baits and a killer bait formula that you can make yourself.
9. using quality lures as a bait solution
10. How the make Ambrette Musk Spec., a secrete found in a letter from the late, great Frank Mast. He was in his last days and wrote a letter to a friend to explain how to get the chemical make up of real muskrat musk into ambrette musk.
11. Working with rat glands
12. how to “keep” or “hold” the true odor of mink, otter, weasel and badger glands over time. These are a genital glands that you have to know how to prepare them, or you will kill the odor in formulation over a short time span.
13.How to make a killer coon scent that will be easy on your wallet.
14. cutting shunk quill
15. how to tincture castor and otter glands, in detail.
16. how to “fire up” castor to make sweeter and stronger.
17. run down on great oil’s for coyotes, cats, fox, coons, otter, beaver and rats.
18. Plus, much, much more!
Like the radio show!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Videos and trapping supplies are top notch. I am a full time trapper, I have found your products and instructional materials Absolutly priceless.
I live and trap in Yellow State Forest, southern Indiana. I have nearly an endless amount of Forestry to trap in.
Thank God for organizations like you all have created to help teach and promote trapping in America.